backflip ft to ft

1) get some bounce from the line 2) lean back push chest forward & throw your arms backward IMPORTANT: get body in straight direction 3) grab knees to make rotation faster IMPORTANT: spot the line ASAP! 4) land with hands above head Follow…

frontflip ft to ft

1) get some bounce from the line 2) tilt head & throw your arms forward IMPORTANT: get body in straight direction 3) grab knees to make rotation faster IMPORTANT: spot the line ASAP! 4) land with hands above head Follow Jaan Roose…

chest bounce nasty

1) go into chestbounce* (see chestbounce) 2) bounce & keep your hand on the line 3) use other hand to make a 180° rotation 4) bend knees to make the rotation faster 5) keep hand on the & land with a buttbounce Follow Tauri on…

cross step

1) turn your body 90° 2) while balancing on one foot pass leg ahead of the other 3) keep changing from foot to foot Follow Jaan Roose on Instagram!

lie on the line

1) go into dropknee* (see drop knee) 2) switch to front buddha* (see front buddha) 3) push feet straight on the line while crossed 4) lean back until your back touches the line Follow Tauri on Instagram!

invert dropknee

1) keep focus on one spot 2) drop down and and rest the ankle on line 3) drop knee inward under the line 4) rest your weight on the ankle 5) to get up shift weight back to front foot Follow Gappai on Instagram!


1) keep focus on one point 2) drop down and and rest the ankle on line 3) drop knee under the line 4) rest your weight on the ankle 5) to get up shift weight back to front foot Follow Gappai on Instagram!