
1) go to chestbounce* (see chestbounce) 2) use arms and head to make rotation on oneself 3) while rotating keep body parralel to the line IMPORTANT: spot the line ASAP! 4) land with a chestbounce Follow Carlos Merayo on Instagram!

sick nasty

1) go into buttbounce* (see buttbounce) with both hands holding the line 2) tilt head, look under your shoulder & throw legs from behind 3) rotate over the arms holding the line 4) land with a buttbounce* (see buttbounce) Follow Giovanna…

lady bounce

1) go into to buttbounce* (see buttbounce) 2) while bouncing pass outside leg above the other 3) line passes above the line & legs are crossed´ IMPORTANT: keep shoulders perpendicular to the line 4) luncross your legs & land with…

540 ft to ft

1) get bounce from the line by pushing it down 2) use arms and head to engage rotation 3) upper body rotates first & lower body follows IMPORTANT: spot the line ASAP! 4) land with hands above head Follow Gappai on Instagram!

buttbounce to frontside 180 two backside 180

1) buttbounce to FS 180° 2) buttbounce to BS 180° 3) buttbounce to feet Follow Yukimi on Instagram!

Buttbouce to Chestbounce to Buttbounce to feet

1) buttbounce 2) chestbounce 3) buttbounce to feet Follow Yukimi on Instagram!

BuddhaBounce90 to SideBuddha90 to BuddhaBounce90 to SideBuddha90 to BuddhaBounce to Feet

1) buddha bounce 90° 2) side buddha 90° 3) buddha bounce 90° 4) side buddha 90° 5) buddha bounce to feet Follow Gappai on Instagram!

Butt to D.K. to W.F.P to CrossLegsBackbounce to BuddhaDrop to SwitchD.K.

1) buttbounce 2) drop knee 3) W. foot plant 4) crossed legs backbounce 5) buddha drop 6) switch drop knee Follow Gappai on Instagram!

Crook to Lady to Shaorin

1) crook / double drop knee crooked 2) ladybounce 3) shaorin Follow Gappai on Instagram!


1) go into buttbounce* (see buttbounce) 2) lean back, push chest forward & throw arms backward 3) catch the line with a chestbounce ASAP! 4) pull on your hand to get back to feet Follow Carlos Merayo on Instagram!

buttflip front

1) go into buttbounce* (see buttbounce) 2) tilt head and throw arms forward 3) grab knees tmake rotation faster 4) open up arms and legs & land with a buttbounce Follow Carlos Merayo on Instagram!

yokohama butt bounce

1) go into buttbounce* (see buttbounce) 2) bounce & turn body toward the line 3) kick the line with outside foot 4) land with a buttbounce Follow Tauri on Instagram!