Jun 21, 2012
Slackline Training in your Community Club
Introducing slackline training to your club can be a rewarding initiative, fostering a unique and beneficial dimension to athletic development
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Far too often in today's world, we are not challenged to test our sense of balance. As children, it was different; we played, frolicked, and balanced. But why did we stop doing this? Is it because we're stuck in offices? Because we fear getting hurt? Or because we've become lazy, and playing has turned from fun to pure effort? Everyone has their reasons... but that's exactly what we need to fight against! All these are old skills that want to resurface. We must pursue them! With slackline training in the club, we provide a guide in the right direction.
There are various reasons, but motivational impacts are crucial: Slacklining is learned very quickly because everyone has balance within themselves; we can all stand, usually on one leg as well, only the extent varies. However, this is not a problem, as the basics are there and only need to be refined. Moreover, slacklining brings tremendous motivation because it's something new. A new challenge that is quickly learned and feels good with each step. Therefore, integrating slackline training into the club makes sense! How it can be implemented correctly and why it is important can be seen below.
How are Slacklines integrated into club sports?
Our dream would be to establish slacklining as a separate club section. This would mean having enough slackline enthusiasts in various places who meet weekly for training. There, they would advance the sport through incredible tricks and a wide range of athletes. Since slacklining is still a trend sport, this will remain a dream for now. Nevertheless, slackline offers a huge opportunity for every training, as balance and coordination are the cornerstones of injury-free and healthy sports. The polyester bands are best used as a complement to athletic units! The slackrack offers an immensely high level of variability. Each exercise intensifies on the slackline because it is always proprioceptive training. The entire body is engaged due to its high demand. Additionally, using aids allows for sport-specific targeting of athletes and different disciplines.
How are Slacklines integrated into club sports?
"Our dream would be to establish slacklining as a separate club section. This would mean having enough slackline enthusiasts in various places who meet weekly for training. There, they would advance the sport through incredible tricks and a wide range of athletes. Since slacklining is still a trend sport, this will remain a dream for now. Nevertheless, slackline offers a huge opportunity for every training, as balance and coordination are the cornerstones of injury-free and healthy sports. The polyester bands are best used as a complement to athletic units! The slackrack offers an immensely high level of variability. Each exercise intensifies on the slackline because it is always proprioceptive training. The entire body is engaged due to its high demand. Additionally, using aids allows for sport-specific targeting of athletes and different disciplines."
"Before, I had the notion, well, you just hang it between two trees and walk over it a bit, to put it bluntly. But when we did various exercises with the slackline or the slackrack, and it was so much fun, I was really amazed."
- Pauline Schultz VC Wiesbaden
What can be achieved with slackline training
Slacklining is beneficial for everyone! From the high-performance athlete who needs to become more adept at balance or requires more strength in deep-lying muscles, to the recreational athlete who is always looking for new challenges and variety in training, to rehabilitation or senior sports participants who focus mainly on fall prevention and stability. Children need not be specifically mentioned because they naturally love to balance, test their limits, and challenge each other. Although it can be used in different ways, it builds in the same regions for all users.
There are various reasons, but motivational impacts are crucial: Slacklining is learned very quickly because everyone has balance within themselves; we can all stand, usually on one leg as well, only the extent varies. However, this is not a problem, as the basics are there and only need to be refined. Moreover, slacklining brings tremendous motivation because it's something new. A new challenge that is quickly learned and feels good with each step. Therefore, integrating slackline training into the club makes sense! How it can be implemented correctly and why it is important can be seen below.
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