How to set up a Slackline without trees in your garden ? – Indikit

The beautiful days are coming. It’s time to enjoy the great outdoors. If you’re in a home office, it’s always nice to have a line in your garden to relax between tasks. However, not everyone has trees to stretch their slackline. That’s the reason why the Indikit made by Gibbon Slacklines is perfect you. It is the best way to set up a slackline without trees.


The first things would be to have enough place. To really enjoy the indikit, you will need at least a garden of 7 meters long and 2 meters large.

If your garden is smaller than that, it would be better to choose a slackrack that you also can put inside your house.
As soon as your garden is big enough, the indiekit and a spade are the only things you need. The next question would be : What is inside the indikit ?
Groundscrew, 2 slackframes and one classic slackline of 15m with the ratchet.

If you do not understand what is this, don’t be scared I’m going to explain you, that’s really easy to set up a slackline without trees.

GIBBON Independence Kit Classic

The adaptation is the key

Every garden is different. First of all, you have to see what your garden offers you. There are different options, if you already have a solid anchor point, you don’t need the whole indikit

Adapt to the terrain. If you only have one solid tree, you can always buy the slackframe and groundscrew separately. When this is your case, just attach your slackline to an anchor point like a tree with a treewear on one side and for the other side, keep reading this article and you will have the solution.

let’s start setting up

Start by locating the places where it would be appropriate to stretch your slackline. Mark these places well, and make sure they are not too far away. They should be within 15 meters of each other.

Now that you have your points, remove a square of grass on each side with a spade. You can keep this square to put it back in the same place when you remove the slackline.

When your two beautiful squares are removed you can put the groundscrew in the square. Start by screwing by hand and then use the handle of the spade or a solid bar to turn. Once it is pushed into the ground and only the buckle comes out.


The slackframes

For slackframes it’s very intuitive, but don’t forget to look at the manual so you don’t get lost.
Once the slackframes are built, all you have to do is take care of the line.

Simply attach the slackline to the floor (for example, with a ground screw) and tension it through the Slack-Frame at the desired height. The frame allows 3 different setup heights: 30cm / 50cm / 70cm, depending on level and weight of the slackliner.

With its sturdy yellow sail, the Slack-Frame is weatherproof and suitable for outdoor installation in the garden.

The classic lines arrive with a ratchet with a long strap, you should change it for the short one included in the kit.

Now put the line in the first ground screw and choose the height of your slackline. There is three differents possibilities. The first one, the lowest would be for kids. For the third one could be less tight and it’s good to improve your slacklining skills. And the second one is just in between. It’s good if you’re a moderate person.


Now you can enjoy practice slackline in your garden when you want, even when you have a little break of 5 minutes !

Last tips : The closest are the slackframes, the easiest it is to walk. Then if you want to improve at walking, you can start with slackframes very close together, then move them apart as you go along. You will be able to improve very quickly you will see.